Taxonomy and distribution of the horsefly-genus Therioplectes Zeller (Diptera: Tabanidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:T. Zeegers
Journal:Studia Dipterologica
Type of Article:Article
ISBN Number:0945-3954
Keywords:344, Available name, Eurasia, grossus (Thunberg 1827), Key, Land zones, New record]., Nomen dubium, Nomenclature, p., P. 341]., p. 344, P. 344]., P. 345]., P. 347, p. 350, P. 350]., Palaearctic region, record]., Removal from synonymy, Synonymy, Systematics, Sziladya grisea - Enderlein 1925 (Tabanidae): [Lectotype designated, Taxonomy, Therioplectes, Therioplectes - Zeller 1842 (Tabanidae): [Key to species, Therioplectes [Palaearctic region / / Taxonomy & distribution]., Therioplectes gigas - (Herbst 1787) (Tabanidae): [Removal from, Therioplectes griseus, Therioplectes griseus (Tabanidae): [New record]., Therioplectes grossus - (Thunberg 1827) (Tabanidae): [Removal from, Therioplectes ignotus - (Rossi 1790) (Tabanidae): [Removal from, Therioplectes ignotus (Rossi 1790), Therioplectes kuehlhorni - Moucha & Chvala 1964 (Tabanidae): [Status, Therioplectes kuehlhorni [Turkey / / New, Therioplectes rufula - (Szilady 1927) (Tabanidae): [Removal from, Therioplectes rufula (Szilady 1927), Therioplectes tunicatus - (Szilady 1927) (Tabanidae): [Removal from, Therioplectes ursus - (Costa 1857) (Tabanidae): [Removal from, Therioplectes ursus (Costa 1857), Type material, With Therioplectes gigas (Herbst 1787), With Therioplectes tunicatus (Szilady 1927)

The taxonomy and distribution of the Palaearctic genus Therioplectes are reviewed. For each species, the diagnostic features, the variability and the distribution-pattern are discussed. Based on new evidence, Th. gigas and tunicatus are retained as two separate species. New records from Turkey are provided for Th. griseus and kuehlhorni, species previously known only from the type specimens.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOREC:ZOOR14208050426
Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith