Publication Type: | Journal Article |
Year of Publication: | 2009 |
Authors: | N. S. Gordienko, Sokolov L. V. |
Journal: | Russian Journal of Ecology |
Volume: | 40 |
Pagination: | 86-92 |
Date Published: | March |
Type of Article: | Article |
ISBN Number: | 1067-4136 |
Keywords: | [Temperature / / ] [Russia / Chelyabinsk Oblast, Abiotic factors, Eurasia, Formica rufa, Formica rufa (Formicidae)., Il’men Reserve / ]., Land, Life cycle and development, Palaearctic region, phenological shifts / ] [Climate and weather / Climatic factors / ], Physical factors, Tabanus, Tabanus (Tabanidae)., Vanessa urticae (Nymphalidae)., Vanessa urticae [Life cycle / Long-term, zones |
Abstract: | The results of monitoring the dates of the onset of flowering and leaf budding in eight herbaceous and woody plant species and the first appearance of three insect species in the Il’men Reserve (1972-2005) were processed by means of regression and correlation analyses. No significant changes in test parameters were revealed in the majority of these species. Only two early spring plants, coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara L.) and goat willow (Salix caprea L.), showed a weak tendency toward earlier flowering in the 1980s and 1990s. This is explained primarily by the absence of any significant trends in spring and summer air temperatures in the study region over the observation period. On the other hand, interannual fluctuations in the dates of plant flowering and insect appearance were well manifested not only in early spring but also in late-spring species. These fluctuations proved to depend largely on spring temperatures: in years with early and warm springs, flowering and leaf budding in plants and the appearance of first individuals in insects were recorded on significantly earlier dates. |
URL: | <Go to ISI>://ZOOREC:ZOOR14508048211 |
Analysis of long-term changes in the dates of seasonal phenomena in plants and insects of the Il’men Reserve as related to climatic factors
Taxonomic name: