Tabanidae (Diptera) of New Caledonia. Revision of the tribe Diachlorini and new data on the horseflies.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1991
Authors:P. Trojan, Chazeau J.
Journal:Zoologia Neocaledonica, Volume 2. Memoires du Museum-National d’Histoire-Naturelle. Serie A, Zoologie
Date Published:1991
Keywords:Asia, Chasmiella, Cydistomyia, Dasybasis, New Caledonia, Philoliche, Reference, Review, Tabanidae, Taxonomy

Sixteen species of Tabanidae were previously known from New Caledonia. A considerable amount of material is presently available. The genus Chasmiella is cited for the first time from New Caledonia; Cydistomyia cohici and C. kuniae are newly transferred to this genus. 12 new species are described: Dasybasis danielae, D. chazeaui, D. lydiae, D. tillierorum, Chasmiella bozennae, C. conradi, C. leszeki, Cydistomyia brachypalpus, C. danutae, C. matilei, C. norae and C. tiwakai. New localities are given for the previously known species, some of which were known only from the type series. The variability of the taxonomic characters allowing the distinction between the genera Dasybasis, Cydistomyia and Chasmiella in New Caledonia is discussed. A key is given for these genera, as well as new keys to the neocaledonian Dasybasis, Chasmiella and Cydistomyia, including the new species. The zoogeographical relationships of Philoliche, Chasmiella and Dasybasis are further discussed.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith