A catalogue of the types of bloodsucking flies in the British Museum (Natural History)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1990
Authors:B. C. Townsend, Chainey, J. E., Crosskey, R. W., Pont, A. C., Lane, R. P., Boorman, J. P. T., Lowry, C. A.
Journal:Occasional Papers on Systematic Entomology
Date Published:1990
Keywords:Africa, Asia, Europe, Hybomitra, Philoliche, Reference, Review, Tabanidae, Tabanus

After an introduction giving biographical notes on the principal taxonomists involved, species of which type specimens are held at the Natural History Museum, London, are catalogued for the following groups: Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae, Glossinidae, Hippoboscidae, Muscidae, Nycteribiidae, Phlebotominae, Simuliidae, Streblidae and Tabanidae. Explanatory notes on the format and abbreviations used, a summary of nomenclatural changes and a 50-page bibliography are also included. New lectotypes are designated for several species of Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae, Muscidae, Phlebotominae, Simuliidae and Tabanidae. Culex inornata is moved to the subgenus Melanoconion. Chrysops canifrons and Tabanus succurvus are removed from synonymy with C. flavidus and T. factiosus, respectively, and become valid species, whereas Haematopota silvai, Merycomyia brunnea, Neavella madagascariensis, Philoliche castaneiventer, T. ivoi, T. pubescens, T. rufoniger and T. stenocephalus are synonymized, respectively, with H. pertinens, M. microcera, N. verstraeteni, P. zonata, P. silverlocki, Hybomitra severini, T. rufipes, T. pellucidus and T. secundus. Phlebotomus (Idiophlebotomus) dispar comb. nov. is a new combination for I. dispar, and Sergentomyia blanci is synonymized with S. minuta. Dicladocera perplexa is a resurrected combination. Hybomitra tientsinensis nom. nov. is proposed for T. erberi var. fuscipennis Szilady, 1926, raised to valid species from synonymy with H. erberi.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith