Studies on the occurrence, biology and control of tabanids (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Valdivia Province, Chile. 136 pp.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1989
Authors:E. V. Schwan
Date Published:1989
Keywords:Chile, Dasybasis, Mesomyia, Reference, Review, Scaptia, South America, Tabanidae, Taxonomy

The tabanid fauna of Valdivia Province, southern Chile, was studied in 1986-88 using sticky, Manitoba, Manning, box, Malaise, plexiglas, bait and Gressitt traps. The following taxa were collected: Scaptia lata, S. collaris, S. latipalpis, Mesomyia rubricornis, Dasybasis testaceomaculata var. testaceomaculata, D. testaceomaculata var. longifrons, D. testaceomaculata var. molestissima, D. delpontei sepiapes, D. pereirai dureti, D. meridiana, D. erebus, D. philippii and D. nigripennis. D. erebus is recorded for the first time from Chile. The male larva and pupa of D. testaceomaculata var. testaceomaculata are described for the first time. The abundance and daily activity cycle of females of S. lata were studied further using sticky traps, which also appeared to reduce their numbers under certain circumstances (unlike a modified Manitoba trap). Males hovered and swarmed in woodland clearings, whilst females were the most troublesome sex attacking man and horses. The author also gives a checklist of the 91 species of Chilean Tabanidae.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith